Testosterone is the male sex hormone that drives everything from sexual desire to muscle mass. Testosterone production begins to decline for most men around their early 30s, which can result in a number of unwelcome — and often confusing — effects. You’ll notice your changes sooner than you think. Below are some male hornonal changes in the 30s you should be on the lookout for:

Change 1: Libido and erections
One of the first noticeable effects of falling testosterone levels is reduced libido. This can range from an occasional diminished desire to reduced sexual activity all together. This reduction in desire can lead to feelings of guilt in some men, and can be a source of conflict in relationships. It’s important to remember that a decline in libido is a normal part of aging, and not a sign of your relationship going downhill. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for hornonal changes in the 30s, but if you and your partner are open about the topic, you can work through it together. Some men who are experiencing a decline in libido choose to see a doctor and consider testosterone therapy. Testosterone is the hormone primarily linked to libido in men, and when levels fall, sexual desire often decreases as well. You may be able to treat your low libido with testosterone therapy.

Change 2: Hair loss and skin softening
Hair loss and skin softening are two major male hornonal changes in the 30s. Hair loss is a change you’ll notice on the top of your head, but it can also be seen on your arms and legs. Hair loss is a normal part of aging for men, and it’s often caused by the decline in testosterone levels. Male hornonal changes in the 30s may also cause your hair to become softer, thinner, and less dense. These are all normal changes, but if you have sudden or drastic changes in the appearance of your hair, it could be a sign of a health condition. Skin softening and male hornonal changes in the 30s can be a good thing for some men. If you’re not a fan of wrinkles and worry about signs of aging, this can be a positive change.

Change 3: More body fat, especially around the midsection
There’s a misconception that a drop in testosterone means you’ll lose all your body fat and become a ripped muscle machine. In reality, your body may actually hold onto excess fat, especially around your midsection. This is common in men who are on the higher end of the normal testosterone spectrum. Although the extra fat around your midsection may seem harmless, it can increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes. This doesn’t make the male hornonal changes in the 30s any less annoying. You can fight back against excess body fat with a healthy diet and regular exercise. You should also aim to get seven to nine hours of sleep each night to stay healthy and reduce stress, both of which can increase your risk of obesity.

Change 4: Mental fogginess and slower thinking
You may notice your thinking and mental clarity start to change as your testosterone levels drop. When you’re young, your brain is at its peak, but as you get older, your thinking and mental abilities can slow down. This is common as you get older and is often a sign that your body is slowing down. You may not be able to remember things as quickly or recall facts as easily as you once did. You may also have trouble concentrating. You can help fight against mental fogginess by exercising and staying active. Exercise can help your body stay healthy and functioning at its best, which can keep your brain running at a normal speed for longer.

Change 5: Loss of muscle mass
As your testosterone levels drop, your body may start to retain more fat and lose muscle mass. This can make you appear thinner, but it’s actually a decrease in muscle mass. As you get older, your muscles naturally shrink, but a drop in testosterone speeds up the process. When you lose muscle, you may lose your ability to do things you enjoy, like play sports or pick up heavy items at work. You can help prevent muscle loss by staying active and eating well. If you sit at a desk all day, you should consider getting up and moving around a few times each hour. When you were a younger man, you were likely told that you should be lifting weights to build muscle and prevent osteoporosis. This advice is especially important as you get older.

The important thing to remember is that male hornonal changes in the 30s are completely normal and nothing to worry about. There are simple ways to combat the changes you’re experiencing and keep your body healthy, active, and strong. If you find yourself struggling with any of the changes listed above, don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor. You should also try to be mindful and remember that not every change you experience is a result of aging and falling testosterone levels.